Many PHP apps require a MySQL database to function, and these databases can be created quickly in SellCloud.

The biggest change in Ubuntu 20.04 is the availability of MySQL 8, the latest MySQL version and the first major release since MySQL 5.7. WordPress and most other PHP applications are already fully compatible with MySQL 8. If you have legacy applications that require MySQL 5.7, you can continue to install Sellcloud on Ubuntu 18.04 servers.

How to Create a Database

Log in your Sellcloud panel, enter your Wordpress tab management page. Click the newly created Application name and you will be shown the app's details page with many tab functions for you to set. From this app's page, scroll down to Database tab

In the add database page, fill in the details and click Add Database

Your new database is created.

Reset Database Password

If you forget to write down the database password and need to reset it, just click on the database user in SellCloud panel to see the change password form.

Just change to a new password. It will be updated on your server system.