Step 1 : Log into your SellCloud admin dashboard.


On the Sellcloud website, at the top right-hand side, click on Client Login. Then enter your login credentials.

Step 2 : Choose Services and server

Click on the project with your server. That is, the server you want to upgrade.

Step 3: Decide what to upgrade.

Next, in the server panel, Click on Server tab and in the sub tab click Upgrade tab. Then click on the server you want to upgrade. Choose the plan that suits you.

Step 4 : Upgrade process

Your server will be automatically stopped temporarily for the upgrade process to proceed, It may take less than few minutes for this process to run.

Step 5: New upgraded server ready.

Once it resizes successfully, the server will automatically restart. Upgrade price is calculated from a credit of the unused portion of the current plan and billing of the new plan for the same period (xx Days)

Alert: For Control Panel Help & Tutorials, click here: Panel Tutorials
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