When a domain is newly registered, the nameservers are changed, or DNS changes are made, you can expect a propagation time up to 24 hours. This is because it takes time for the DNS to take effect across the internet. The actual time of propagation may vary in some locations based on your network setup.

What is DNS propagation?

When you make a DNS change, it takes time for the changes to take effect. This is called DNS propagation. It is the time it takes for the domain DNS to refresh the cache on the network.

During the time the DNS settings are being propagated, you may still see your old site in some browsers/devices while seeing the new site on others. Specifically, you may see one version on your phone using your cellular data network and a different version on a desktop using a different network. This is normal.

To track the progress of a DNS change you can use a tool like https://www.whatsmydns.net/ to confirm that the change has gone through and see which regions are updated and which have yet to fully reflect the change.

Can I speed up the propagation process?

The quick answer is no. You can try speeding up the propagation time by having your TTL set to a lower number (not recommended). This will refresh the DNS at a quicker rate. We set the default TTL to 14400 (4 hours); however the network that you are using to access the internet may update at a slower rate.

You can try Clearing your DNS cache or "Flush the DNS". For information on how to flush your DNS, please see our article on How do I clear my local DNS cache?. Clearing your DNS cache does not always work, so sometimes you will just need to wait.
