If you don't have a domain, you can buy & register domain names at Namecheap
Then you will see your domain added below.
Click your domain link and it will bring you to Edit DNS page. Basically, you need to setup 2 important records for your domain hosting. First is an "A" record and the second is "NS" Nameserver Record. Optionally you can also create a "CNAME" record for www if you want your domain to be accesible also as www.example.com
You will notice 4 new NS records created automatically. Find the area on the domain registrar's website where you can change the nameservers for your domain or an area where you can use custom nameservers. Create nameserver records, or edit the existing nameserver records found in your current domain registrar to match the following values:
For more help on changing nameservers on various popular domain registrar panels, please click this link
Before proceeding further, copy yout server IP address as shown.
Then click on button: Add DNS Record
From the pop up page, here you can edit, or add, new DNS records. The DNS A record points to the IP address for a given domain name. In the popup page, Select "A" Records from the pull down menu, then copy and paste your IP address. Click Save button. (You can find IP address on top of page)
After saving the "A" record, you will notice DNS for that record is propagating worldwide from our DNS networks
Your "A" record is added and propagation of DNS for this record has started.
Again click on button: Add DNS Record. In the pop up page, select "CNAME" from the pull down menu. In the Host field, add www and the add your domain name in the Host field. Then click the save button. Your CNAME record is propagating. Allow up to 1 hr for all records to propagate fully wordlwide.