The Woodmart theme will be automatically installed on your server once you create a new app or by using an existing app.

Once you purchased Woodmart Wordpress Theme directly from SellCloud Admin panel, you will then need to head to your Wordpress Application tab and from there click the Theme tab. Select the App for which you want Woodmart theme to be installed. Click the Install button and the theme will be auto installed on your app(domain). If you do not have an app ready (Wordpress installed on your domain), you can install a new app for your domain following this tutorial.

Your Woodmart theme license code will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your theme purchase.

Theme License Purchase Code: (Await next mail within 48 hrs)

Log in details

Username: (Await next mail within 48 hrs)

Password: (Await next mail within 48 hrs)

Email: (Await next mail within 48 hrs)

Download Theme Updates & License here:

Once you're logged in, do the following:

  1. Hover over your username near the top right corner
  2. Click on "Downloads" in the dropdown menu
  3. Find the theme or plugin you purchased and hover over the "Download" button
  4. Click on "License Certificate & Purchase Code" in the dropdown menu (Either PDF or TXT file are fine)
  5. Download the file to a place on your computer that you can easily find (e.g. Desktop)
  6. Open the File and find the "Item Purchase Code" - this is your "license key" or the code.

Can I upload Theme item and use it without license activation purchase code? (copy and paste the Code/Key provided by Themeforest in the WP-Admin)

It is entirely optional. It's only purpose is to receive auto-updates.

Please note: Performing Theme Auto Update can cause your site to crash if the other Plugins or WordPress version is not compatible. Perform a manual website backup before updating Themes, Plugins or Wordpress.