For this example, we'll be using the SFTP solution FileZilla. This is a free, open-source, and powerful tool. Once you've installed and opened the application, you'll need to enter your SFTP credentials into the fields at the top of the screen Host, Username, and Password:

These credentials are usually found within your account's hosting panel, although you should contact your WordPress host's support channels if you can't find them.

Once you're logged in, you'll need to create a local folder where your WordPress backup will be stored. You can do this within FileZilla or directly on your computer, whichever is easier.

Back in FileZilla, navigate to the right-hand quadrant, and select the public_html folder. This contains the entire contents of your site, and can also be called www, root, or even be named after your site.

The next step is simple. Drag the public_html folder across FileZilla and into your local backup folder, from the right-hand quadrant to the left-hand one:

FileZilla will then take a few moments to copy over the files, at which point your site will be completely backed up.

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